History of Keystone
Outstanding students. 忠诚的校友. Dedicated 教师 and 工作人员. 毫无疑问,自1868年以来,这些品质一直是基斯顿学院的标志. 在一起, 我们努力把Keystone建设成现在的样子,以及将来的样子, 个月, and years which lie ahead.
History of Keystone Presidents
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1868 - Keystone Academy最初由宾夕法尼亚州联邦特许, 第二年开始在工厂村当地的浸信会教堂接受指导.
1870 – Ground broken on the current site for Keystone Academy’s first building, 哈里斯大厅, named after John Howard Harris, first president of Keystone.
1934 – Keystone Academy re-chartered as Scranton-Keystone Junior College.
1936 – First associate degree awarded to A. 卢埃林贝尔.
1944 – The name of the College shortened to Keystone Junior College.
1973 ——Keystone学院天文台正式投入使用并对外开放.
1995 -学院的名字再次缩短为现在的名字,Keystone学院.
1998 -学院获得了宾夕法尼亚州教育部的正式批准,可以提供学士学位课程.
2000 – First baccalaureate degree, a bachelor of science in criminal justice, was awarded to Stacy Davis Bell.
2000 – Keystone College Observatory re-dedicated as the Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Observatory in honor of the founding director.
A Baseball Great.
Baseball great 小茉莉 Mathewson attended Keystone from 1895-1898, when he excelled on the school’s baseball and football teams. Recording 373 professional pitching victories, including a National league record 37 wins in 1908, 1936年,马修森被追授进入国家棒球名人堂, as part of the charter induction class with Ty Cobb, 沃尔特•约翰逊, Babe Ruth and Honus Wagner.
We still excel in baseball.
基斯顿大学棒球队已经连续18次获得分区冠军,并出现在NCAA第三区全国冠军系列赛中, finishing as the 2016 runner-up.
2001 – The opening of the College’s newest residence hall, 波姆 Hall (formerly known as the Keystone Commons).
2004 -基斯顿大学的学生运动员开始参加NCAA第三级别的比赛.
2005 – 103.5 WKCV-FM, Keystone由学生运营的广播电台开始进行无线广播,并获得了网络流媒体版权,因此该电台可以在互联网上广播,任何人都可以听到, 在任何地方, with an internet connection.
2006 – The College inducts its inaugural class into the 体育运动 Hall of Fame.
2007 – Keystone is a charter member to the President’s Climate Commitment, 由全国精选大学校长发起的对环境的创新承诺.
2007 – The College introduces The Gathering, an annual three-day symposium featuring lectures, 研讨会, 表演, and discussions. 来自不同背景的人们聚在一起,通过来自世界各地的科学和文化艺术来探索创造精神.
Keeping the Keystone Promise
2010 - Hibbard校园中心的外部和内部翻新
2011 - Keystone为纪念霍华德·詹宁斯建立了霍华德·詹宁斯自然保护区, retired biology professor. 学院美丽的伍德兰校区的一部分将不会以任何方式被开发.
2012 -布鲁克斯剧院进行了翻新,包括机械和设计更新.
2012 - Keystone在环境可持续性方面的努力得到了全国的认可,并继续完成了一个雨水花园, managing storm water runoff and offering educational opportunities.
2014 -学院获得美国教育部的正式批准,宾夕法尼亚州教育部提供硕士学位课程.
2015 – Keystone dedicates the Eckel Family Pavilion, an outdoor gathering place for Keystone students, 教师, 工作人员, alumni and local residents.
Keystone College Today
Currently enrolling nearly 1,100名学生, Keystone提供50多个文科和理科课程的学位选择. 学院提供独特的课程,学生接受全面的教育,积极参与学习,激发兴趣, 提高技能, and ensure career readiness.
2016 – College awards first master’s degrees.
2016 基斯顿大学棒球队进入NCAA第三赛区大学世界系列赛的全国冠军系列赛.
2016 – Keystone College opens the Regional Center for Excellence in 3-D Design, a technology resource for the entrepreneurial, 业务, 制造业, and educational communities.
2017 - Keystone将艺术与科学学院更名为Turock艺术与科学学院,以纪念Keystone校友Betty J. Turock, Ph值.D. 1953年,大卫·L. Turock, Ph值.D. ’77, and the late Frank Turock ’52.
2017 -书院启用新改建及搬迁的电台wkcv103.5 FM.
2017 -学院欢迎有史以来第一位富布赖特学者,拉赫曼·布扬博士.D., for the 2017-2018 academic year.
2017 - Keystone宣布了一项重大发展计划,该计划将极大地提高学院和周边社区的生活质量. Keystone将开发一个以商业租户为特色的新商业建筑群, including Steak n’ Shake, 一个星巴克, Keystone’s 校园 Shoppe, a health and fitness center, 还有一家银行.
2017 -学院将Keystone Commons宿舍楼更名为波姆 Hall,以纪念名誉校长波姆博士. 爱德华G. 小波姆. and former Keystone First Lady Regina E. 波姆.
2018 - Keystone宣布将扩大其体育产品,增加足球作为其最新的大学运动.
2018 – Keystone names Tracy L. Brundage, Ph值.D as eleventh president.
2018 - Keystone引入少年司法研究所,帮助有风险的儿童应对日常生活中的创伤和压力,
2018 -基斯顿学院举办一系列活动庆祝建校150周年.
2018 – Construction begins on the Keystone Commons retail complex, which includes Keystone Fitness, College Green Eatery & Market, Steak ‘n Shake, and Penn East Federal Credit Union.
2019 – For the first time since 1948, 橄榄球赛回到基斯顿,巨人队以23比19不敌威尔克斯大学. 9月22日,巨人队将以27-16的比分战胜莫里斯维尔州立大学,赢得首场比赛.
2019 -为了让上大学更容易负担得起,Keystone学院重新设置了学费价格.
2019 - Keystone推出专业发展学院,提供劳动力发展计划,将教育和就业联系起来,并提供定制的培训, 受到信任, industry-focused coursework.
2020 – Keystone celebrates the opening of the $3.500万美元的Keystone Commons零售开发项目举行了剪彩仪式.
2021 - Keystone College在2021年秋季自豪地展示了其新建的Fieldhouse. Constructed adjacent to the Athletic Field and Track complex, 11,000 square foot, 耗资数百万美元的设施是学院的足球中心, 曲棍球, men’s and women’s soccer, and men’s and women’s lacrosse.
2023 – Keystone selects John F. Pullo,老. 1969年担任学院第十二任校长,成为第一位领导学院的校友.